Saturday, October 30, 2010

TGI - (Thursday)

Okay I need to think of what to write about for this blog.  I cannot write about movies because I have already done that before.  I am not going to write about the essay because I believe that I have already sort of done that already.  I cannot really remember many other things that we have talked about in English class this past week.  One of the reasons is that I was not in class on Thursday.  Thursday will be my Blog topic. 
Thursday was a good day for me.  It was a day 3 with period order BAEFG.  My two electives are B and F period.  I started off my day working on trying to finish up the Harry Potter board game that I wrote about a couple of Blogs ago for Graphic Communications class.  Next semester I have Computer Graphics 2 after taking Computer Graphics 1 last year.  I cannot wait for that class.  Second period as everyone knows was English.  Like a few other people in the class I was able to skip English because we had a rehearsal for the NHS induction Ceremony that was later that night.  Then I went to E period Physics with Doc Seeley.  Doc Seeley is so funny; I’ll just leave it at that.  Now it is time for my second Elective.  I have Desktop Publishing F period which is usually pretty fun.  The only problem with having F period fourth is that I have 4th Lunch and am always hungry in the computer lab where we are not allowed to eat.  Last period (G) for me is History.  History because of Conklin is my favorite class.  I am so glad that I have Conklin this year.  I had him last year and I have him again now.  On Thursday in History I started a group project with AJ, Jake McKinnon, and Joey Salvin.  I did not have to do a huge amount of work in any of my classes on Thursday.  It was a great day. 
Thursday night was also great.  Thursday night I got inducted into National Honor Society.  It is a great honor and I hope to get involved more because of it.  When I picked my three choices for Teacher inductors I picked Conklin as my first choice and my Freshman English teacher Ms. Popp as my second.  I was a little disappointed that I did not get Conklin, but I was happy that Ms. Popp wanted to induct me.  I was afraid that I would mess up or something but everything went smoothly (at least it did for me).  Ms. Popp on the other hand had to run around the Auditorium in front of everyone after inducting me in order to induct Nick Draper.  Nick was standing on stage with nobody to induct him and the next thing you see is Ms. Popp running as fast as she could from the left side (if you’re on stage) of the Auditorium  to the right side.  That was the only thing about the ceremony that did not run smoothly.  However embarrassing it must have been for Ms. Popp and Nick, it was funny.  Mrs. Corcoran wanted us all to write thank you letters to our teacher inductors.  What better way to do that than to write a teacher appreciation letter in English class the next day.  While I was writing the letter in class I was trying to remember who I wrote it to last year.  I believe that answer was Ms. Popp.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What will my weekend be like? Just so you know, the answer is confusing :(

            So I really do not know what to write about.  Actually now I know what I am going to write about.  I will write about how I don’t know what to write about.  If that doesn’t make sense now it might just get more confusing (at least it did for me).   As a kid I always had writer’s block.  It took me hours just to think about what to write.  Then it took me the same amount of time and maybe even longer to actually write it.  Luckily my writers block is not as bad as it used to be, but I still get it sometimes.  It doesn’t help when you sort of don’t even know what you are writing about.   
           I kind of feel this way about the English paper.  I chose the third option that asks how it is possible for people to be forgiven for their sins. My original thesis (word for word was “In puritanical society, one is never completely forgiven for committing a sin; some puritans are aware of this and do not even attempt to be forgiven, while others struggle unsuccessfully to be pardoned.”  On the day that the thesis statement was due I asked Mr. Bresnick if he was going to check it. As a result I got a (probably deserved) “what are you thinking” type of look from Michelle Cueroni.  I ended up staying after class anyway to get my thesis checked. Mr. Bresnick said ya this is a great thesis; maybe just add a little bit to it.  Add a little bit?  I wish that’s what I had to do. 
I guess the rules of a thesis statement change from day to day (or Mr. Bresnick just forgot what he said the day before).  So the next day when we actually went over the thesis statements in class, everything that could possibly be wrong about my thesis statement was wrong. On this day it wasn’t disputable, specific, clear significant, or detailed.  So I kept making changes to the thesis to try and make it all five of these things.  As I kept restructuring the thesis I kept getting farther away from what I was arguing.  In one day I went from having a great thesis that needed a few additions to no thesis at all right now.  I will have a fun time trying to finish this essay, reading, and doing all my other homework (which includes a History research paper and a Math project) over the weekend.  Let’s look on the bright side; at least the blog’s done.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Killer Controversy

I feel that killing is wrong.  There is an example of a way in my mind that killing could be justified.  Self defense is the example I am thinking of.  Revenge is not a reason to kill people either, even if a loved one was killed by this person.  As Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”  My hatred of killing is probably what makes me so upset with the United States government about getting into the war in Iraq.  I feel that people should be treated fairly and equally even if they are different than others.  They especially should not be killed for it.
There are many controversial situations where people are treated unfairly.  I feel that people should be able to immigrate from Mexico and other places without a problem.  I also feel that if immigrants were able to make it here (legally or illegally) they should be able to stay.  Many people think that illegal immigrants take away American jobs however people think wrong.  Illegal immigrants do jobs that people don’t want to take.  People also are mistaking when they say that illegal immigrants raise the crime rate in the country.  Not counting the crime of being in the country illegally, these immigrants are more likely to be more careful about what they do and are less likely to commit crimes.  It is also a common misconception that illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes.  All of these things are wrong about illegal immigrants. Another thing that is wrong is that they can be (and are) deported and even killed just because they are different than other Americans. 
Another controversial topic is homosexuality.  You do not usually hear a lot about homosexuals being killed, however it does happen.  They are still people and should be able to do what they want.  If they are happy with someone of the same sex, so be it. Personal life is called Personal life for a reason.  Why does it matter to so many people if a person is homosexual, it’s their life not yours.  The fact of the matter is that homosexual people are killed for a choice that they make.  An example of this is Matthew Shepard being killed because he was gay.   I think it is a good thing that the school is doing The Laramie Project even though it is controversial.  What happened to Shepard was not okay, however some people think it was.  I know that people are protesting The Laramie Project being put on at FHS, but I think it needs to go on.  I forget the date and time of the show, but I will definitely go.

Friday, October 1, 2010

"A short time in the future in a galaxy not so far away...."

As a result of watching The Crucible movie in English class I have been thinking a lot about movies.  I have Graphic Communications class B period.  My current project in this class is to make a board game.  I am working with three other people to create this game.  We decided to make it a game about the Harry Potter movies.  The Harry Potter books were great.  As a young kid my parents read the first few to me.  As I got older I read every single Harry Potter book.   I have also seen all of the movies that have come out.  The Harry Potter Movies in my opinion were even better than the books. 
I might need to re-watch the first few movies for the game. Our board game is kind of complicated.  It is sort of like chutes and ladders, trivia, and Life all mixed in one.  It is a four-player game with each player representing one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin).  The board is supposed to represent Hogwarts.  You start at the Sorcerer’s stone and need to get to the Chamber of Secrets.  You move by rolling two dice.  Although there is a starting point and an endpoint it is not just a race to the finish.  Throughout the game there will be chances to gain or lose “house points” (represented by Monopoly Money).  The point of the game is to have the most points when you get to the Chamber of Secrets.  There are many other twists and turns but honestly I can’t remember all of them.  We will work on this for the next few classes and hopefully it will be great once it is finished.
I know up until now this blog post has pretty much been about Harry Potter, but overall it is all about movies.  My favorite movies have to be all six of the original Star Wars movies.  I can’t pick a favorite out of the six because they are all good.  I don’t even know how many Star Wars movies I own, but I own a lot of them.  My favorite characters are the Clone Troopers.  Another character that I like a lot is Darth Maul.  Supposedly all six of the Star Wars movies are going to be back in theaters soon, and this time they will be in 3D.  I can’t wait for Star Wars to be in 3D.  The Star Wars movies are great as they are but just imagine how awesome they would be in 3D.