The American Dream can be different for every single person. My family, like many others is affected by the American Dream. Some of the aspects of the American Dream that apply to my family include immigration, education, and working for money. My mother was not born in America. She was born in the Netherlands. She has lived in many different countries around the world and eventually came to America with her family. My mother became a United States citizen in Faneuil Hall in Boston.
Education is also very important in my family. A good education could open up many opportunities for someone in the future. Both of my parents graduated from Boston College, and in a few years I will be in college. I still have no idea where I want to go, but all I know is that I will go to a school somewhere in the U.S. Although it is a lot of work, I am looking forward to college.
Working hard for money is also a way the American Dream affects my family. Of course a college education helps to get a good job. Both of my parents got jobs after BC and they both still work at those jobs. My father works with computers, while my mother is a nurse. They do hard work in order to make their lives better.
Good, Matt. Education and making enough to support oneself are both important components of the American Dream. The immigrant experience is also an important component of the Dream.